May 25, 2012 | Coffee Break, Uncategorized
In case you missed it this has been National Small Business Week, and I’ve been celebrating on Twitter. Every day this week I’ve Tweeted ways to celebrate small business — both yours as well as others in your community.
May 11, 2012 | Coffee Break, Owner's Life
I guess it should come as no surprise that in over two years of business blogging for the New York Times my most popular post had almost nothing to do with small business.
May 9, 2012 | Exit Planning, Planning to Sell
I recently ran across a YouTube video called The Secret Powers of Time. Behind the clever animation is the voice of Philip Zimbardo, a social psychology professor at Stanford who explains that how we view time — our orientation within six human time zones — affects every aspect of our lives. Our perspective on time influences who we are, how we view relationships and how we act in the world.
May 1, 2012 | Planning to Sell, Valuation
Why would two companies in the same industry, with the same financial performance, command vastly different valuations? The answer often comes down to how much each business is likely to grow in the future.
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