Jan 27, 2015 | Building Value
Occasionally we ask an expert to share their insights on a specific topic that contributes to business value and sellability. Today we’re fortunate to have Ian Smith — founder of The Portfolio Partnership and author of Fulfilling the Potential of Your Business:...
Jan 21, 2015 | Building Value, Valuation
Does the following scenario sound familiar? Once a year you get a statement in the mail. You eagerly anticipate its arrival. The contents of this envelope will tell you if your biggest investment — your business — has increased in value over the past...
Jan 14, 2015 | Exit Planning
If you’ve ever perused Amazon.com or your local bookstore looking for information on how to exit your business, you’ve probably come up with a short list of resources. While there are countless titles about starting and running a business, there are precious few that...
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