
Selling Your Business Is Like Thanksgiving Dinner

Selling Your Business Is Like Thanksgiving Dinner

It’s not often that I’m able to weave grandmothers, due diligence and airborne mashed potatoes into one post, but last year I managed to do it in a New York Times piece titled 5 Reasons Selling Your Business Is Like Thanksgiving Dinner. I had a ball writing it, and I hope you’ll have fun reading it. Following is an excerpt that includes reasons number one and two.

Tough Love For Family Business Transfers

Tough Love For Family Business Transfers

While family-owned businesses can have impressive results, outperforming public companies in areas like stock price and return on equity, the statistics associated with ownership transfer are sobering. Following is my Email interview with best-selling author and third-generation business owner, Tom Deans.

Does Your Business Have Curb Appeal?

Does Your Business Have Curb Appeal?

Like your house, your business projects an image to potential buyers. When they come to see your business for the first time, your “curb appeal” can attract a buyer to your business—or cause them to walk away from it. Do you need to improve your curb appeal? Here’s a three-step plan.

The “Boots First” Exit Strategy

The “Boots First” Exit Strategy

Exit planning is all about learning the options for your exit and finding a customized solution that works best for you, your company and your family situation. If working in your business until you cannot work anymore sounds like it is the best strategy for you, then here is how to implement your exit plan.

4 Ways to Protect Your Turf

4 Ways to Protect Your Turf

Big companies lock out their competitors by out-slugging them in capital infrastructure investments, but smaller businesses have to be smarter about how they defend their turf. Here are four ways to deepen and widen the protective moat around your business.

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