Category: Ready to Sell

Determining the Market Value of a Business

Determining the Market Value of a Business

Learn how the market value of a business is determined, how market value differs from fair market value, and why valuations are crucial when thinking about selling your business.

Deal Structure Basics: What Sellers Need to Know

Deal Structure Basics: What Sellers Need to Know

Did you know that only 20% of the businesses listed for sale actually sell? It’s a startling figure to consider when you’re a business owner thinking about selling. While this rate can be attributed to numerous factors, such as the valuation gap, one common point...

Signing a Business Broker’s Contract? Read This First.

Signing a Business Broker’s Contract? Read This First.

Selling a business is the antithesis of a cookie-cutter affair. While there are several commonalities, every deal truly is different. Many business owners embark on the process of selling their business thinking that it will be similar to selling a piece of real...

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