Category: Planning to Sell

Middle Market M&A Link Roundup: Issue #3

Middle Market M&A Link Roundup: Issue #3

Following are some of the best articles we've run across on selling a business, buying a business, business valuation, building value in your business, and other helpful advice on middle market M&A. Enjoy!  Sell Now Or Keep Going? How One Entrepreneur Made...

The Problem With Loving Your Business

The Problem With Loving Your Business

Early in my corporate career I was in a team meeting where the manager asked us all to answer the following question: What motivates you? Sensing a trap, I kept quiet and let my unsuspecting co-workers take the bait. It was only a matter of seconds before somebody...

Middle Market M&A Link Roundup: Issue #2

Middle Market M&A Link Roundup: Issue #2

Following are some of the best articles we've run across on selling a business, buying a business, business valuation, building value in your business, and other helpful advice on middle market M&A. Enjoy!  Business Transitions: It is Hard to Let Go -- Business...

8 Ways to Build Value in Your Business This Year

8 Ways to Build Value in Your Business This Year

You've closed out the books on another fiscal year (congratulations!) and Q1 is off and running. In addition to setting some of my own goals (alright, "resolutions") for the coming year, I’ve read plenty of blog posts on the topic, including this one on why you should...

Middle Market M&A Link Roundup: Issue #1

Middle Market M&A Link Roundup: Issue #1

Following are some of the best articles we've run across on selling a business, buying a business, business valuation, building value in your business, and other helpful advice on middle market M&A. Enjoy!  When Selling a Business, Don't Waste a Buyer's...

How To Sell Something You Love

How To Sell Something You Love

Selling something you love is difficult, but not impossible. Here are four things to keep in mind when you’re going through the process of selling your business — or anything that is dear to you.

3 Ways to Avoid Disappointment When Selling Your Business

3 Ways to Avoid Disappointment When Selling Your Business

A New York Times blogger writes about the sale of a business that ended in disaster. Despite all of the details provided, it’s hard to know exactly what went wrong and why. Regardless, it’s a great opportunity to try and learn from someone else’s experience and avoid repeating these three mistakes.

7 things to do before signing a Letter of Intent

7 things to do before signing a Letter of Intent

If you have ever promised your child a treat in return for good behavior, you know all about negotiating leverage. When selling an attractive business, you also have leverage — but only up to the point where you sign a letter of intent (LOI). Here are seven things you can do — before you even put your business up for sale, and before signing an LOI — to minimize the chances of your deal dragging on for months and becoming watered down.

Selling Your Business Is Like Thanksgiving Dinner

Selling Your Business Is Like Thanksgiving Dinner

It’s not often that I’m able to weave grandmothers, due diligence and airborne mashed potatoes into one post, but last year I managed to do it in a New York Times piece titled 5 Reasons Selling Your Business Is Like Thanksgiving Dinner. I had a ball writing it, and I hope you’ll have fun reading it. Following is an excerpt that includes reasons number one and two.

You Sell A Business For The Same Reason You Start One: Freedom

You Sell A Business For The Same Reason You Start One: Freedom

The motivation to sell a business and start one often come from the same place: The desire for freedom. In this article we discuss the two types of freedom that come from selling a business: Financial freedom, and having complete freedom over your time.

4 Common Fears About Selling Your Business

4 Common Fears About Selling Your Business

As we get ready to welcome ghosts and goblins to our front door this Halloween, now seems like a good time to name some of the nagging fears we tend to have about selling our business. Following are four fears that can get in the way of a successful sale.

Tough Love For Family Business Transfers

Tough Love For Family Business Transfers

While family-owned businesses can have impressive results, outperforming public companies in areas like stock price and return on equity, the statistics associated with ownership transfer are sobering. Following is my Email interview with best-selling author and third-generation business owner, Tom Deans.

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